Category: Sympathy Messages

Mc Bride Kathleen Fintona

Mc BridBLESSED VIRGIN MARYe Kathleen (formally of Aughafad Fintona) who died peacefully on Friday 07 October 2016 in Tyrone County Hospital surrounded by her loving family. Beloved daughter of the of the late John and Nora, sister of Roisin, Noreen Mc Ginley, Beatrice Mc Gorarty, Bernadette Kelly, Martina Hackett, Vera, Eddie, Jacqueline Donnelly and the late John. Kathleens remains will be reposing at her sister Noreen Mc Ginleys residence 135 Roscavey Road Ballygawley BT70 2EQ from 2pm on Saturday 8thRead the rest

Conlin Owen (Galashiels and Fintona)

owenConlin Owen (Galashiels and Fintona) died peacefully on Saturday, 20 August 2016 at his late residence surrounded by his loving family. Beloved husband of the late Mary and much loved father of Owen, Tony and Gina Beatt. Father in-law to Andrew Beatt and Rachel, Brother of Johnny, Barney, Dermot, Donal, Kevin, Sally, Maggie and the late Jean Mc Atee, Seamus and Charlie. His remains will arrive at St Lawrences Church Fintona at 7pm on Thursday 25th August. Owens requiem … Read the rest

Campbell Peggy (nee Armstrong) Fintona

CaPEGGY1mpbell Peggy nee Armstrong (Fintona) died peacefully in Knockmoyle Care Home on Sunday, 21 August 2016 surrounded by her loving family. Wife of the late John, beloved mother of Brian, Bernie Farry, Kevin, Caroline Rowley, Patricia Harkin and the late Sean. Sister of Bobby, Frances Mc Ginn, Charlotte O Neill and the late May, Jim, Johnny, George and Tommy. Peggy will be will be reposing at her late residence 71 Carnalea road Fintona BT78 2JD from 2pm on Monday, … Read the rest

Leaman Bridie (nee Mullan) Fintona Omagh

PHOTO 1Leaman Bridie nee Mullan (Fintona, Omagh) died peacefully in the South West Acute Hospital on Wednesday 17 August 2016 surrounded by her loving family. Wife of Michael, sister of Winnie, Peter and the late Michael. Sister in-law of Annie Mullan, Pat Mc Sorley and the late Teenie Mullan. Step mother to Tom Leaman. Bridie will be will be reposing at her brothers (Peters) residence 10 Kiln Street Fintona BT78 2BJ from 9pm on Wednesday, 17 August. Bridie will leave her … Read the rest

Wilson Gareth Tattyreagh Omagh


Wilson Gareth 18 Crotty Road, Tattyreagh Omagh BT781QA died tragically on the 31st July 2016. Son of Ellie Callaghan and Lewis Wilson. Brother of Ashley Callaghan, Amy Wilson, Kyle Mc Cluskey and Julie Mc Crea. Gareth will be reposing in his late residence from 9.30pm on Tuesday 2nd August. Gareth’s remains will leave his late residence at 10am on Friday 5th August for 11.00 am requiem mass in St Lawrences Church Fintona followed by his burial. Deeply … Read the rest

Duncan Andrew Killyclogher

ANDREWDuncan Andrew (Drew) Killyclogher Omagh died peacefully 29 July 2016 in the Tyrone County Hospital surrounded by his loving family. Husband of Mary, father of Ryan, John, Claire and Andrew. Brother of Margaret Mc Kenna, Ann Mc Callion, Sean and the late Gerard.?Andrew will be reposing at his late residence 35 Tirquin road Killyclogher BT79 7NB from 2pm on Saturday, 30 July 2016. House private family and friends only. Andrew will leave his late residence on Sunday 31 July at … Read the rest

Mc Teague Stevie 4A Cairn Rd Loughmacrory Omagh

STEVIE2Mc Teague Stevie (4a Cairn road Loughmacrory Omagh BT79 0PQ) died peacefully at South West Acute Hospital, on Saturday 16th July 2016. Beloved Husband of Helen (nee Hanna), devoted father of Conor and Ryan, much loved brother of Mickey, Ann Mc Cann, Dessie and Sharon Dearnaley, much loved son-in-law of Tom and Bridget Hanna. Stevie will be reposing in his late residence from 10pm on Monday 18th July 2016. Stevie will leave his late residence at 10.15am on … Read the rest

Donaghey Sarah Seskinore

DBLESSED VIRGIN MARYonaghey Sarah, Fintona (nee Mc Guigan) died peacefully in South West Acute Hospital on the 24 June 2016 surrounded by her loving family. Wife of the late Tommy. mother of Marie, Claire, Paul, Sharon and Patricia. Sister of Barney, Kathleen Sharkey, Annie Bogan, Mary O’Brien and Hugh and the late Paul and Harry. Sarah will leave her late residence 40 Gargrim Road, Seskinore, Omagh at 11.15am on Monday 27th June 2016 for 12 midday requiem mass in St … Read the rest

Mc Caffrey Dan Omagh

MDANc Caffrey

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y Dan (Omagh) died peacefully at River Vale Country Nursing Home, Dunnamore on Thursday 9th June 2016. Husband of Bridie, father of Geraldine, Noelle and Ursula, grandfather of Daniel, Janet and Ella. Brother of Don and the late Paddy, Eddie, Rose and Mary. Dan will be reposing in his late residence 5 Glenard Road Omagh BT78 5BE from 8pm on Thursday 9th June 2016. Dan will leave his late … Read the rest

Hagan Tony Fintona

Hagan Tony (Fintona) died suddenly at his late residence 180 Tattymoyle Road Fintona tony-hagan111BT78 2JR on Wednesday 4th May 2016 surrounded by his loving family. Husband of Bridie, father of Ann- Marie Mc Menamin and Joseph, father in-law of Nicholas. Brother of Anna, Mary, Seamus, Lena, Vincent, Ignatius, Rose, Frank and the late Bernie. Tony will be reposing in his late residence from 8pm on Wednesday 4th May. His remains will leave his late residence at 10am on … Read the rest