Grianan House Funeral Home


Why not let Grianan House become your house, in your time of need, leave the organisation and preparation required to prepare and run a wake house to us.  Remember your loved one in a warm and homely environment.  Receive your friends and family to share in their memories in a peaceful space without the stress and pressure of running a functioning wake house.  Allow us to help you to focus on what’s important, by letting us sort out the organisation of the wake, leaving you to have precious time and moments with your loved one, family and friends. We are there to assist in your time of need.  Choose to receive mourners at times that will suit you and your loved ones.


Grainan House has been in the McAtee Family for over a generation and has always been filled with happy and fond memories, it is an ideal place for your loved one to repose in a homely environment which offers warmth and tranquility.  Grainan House was built by Dr. Frank Bradley in 1932 and served the community as the doctor’s surgery in its early years and so it has returned once again in a time of need to the community for the community.


Full use our custom facilities and kitchen.  Direct the times that you would like people to attend.  Staff can assist if required in providing refreshments, or you can provide your own. Have all the facilities you would have at home and more without the stress.


  • Central location.
  • Easy access.
  • Parking on the doorstep.
  • Timing to suit you.
  • Fully customised kitchen to suit catering for a wake or service.
  • No preparation needed re clearing rooms sorting out catering equipment etc.
  • No Marquees or heaters.
  • No Lights required.
  • No upheaval to your house or loved ones at a sensitive time.
  • Plan a wake knowing that everything is taken care of.
  • We have all the facilities to ensure that the wake is a respectful tribute, your loved one will be cared for with the utmost dignity, respect and tradition.