Acknowledgement, (Frances) Teresa Mc Cusker. Died 12th December 2024.

(Frances) Teresa Mc Cusker, Omagh, Co Tyrone.
Died 12th December 2024.

We the family of the late Teresa, would like to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to all those who offered their condolences, prayers and support during our recent sad bereavement.

Teresa was a widely respected lady, devoted wife of Seamus and adored mother of Anne-Marie and Patricia. Dearly loved grandmother of Shane and Niaomh, sister of Mary, Anna and the late Catherine (Winnie), Sadie and Patsy, sister in law of Kitty, aunt and friend.

We are blessed to have had the love and support of family, friends, neighbours and work colleagues, throughout this difficult time, which has helped us in so many ways, to grieve as a family.

Thank you to everyone who called to the wake in Grianan House Funeral Home, helped or brought food, this was greatly appreciated. Our thanks also to those who sent Mass or Sympathy cards, messages, or flowers. Thank you to those who lined the funeral route or who joined us at the Requiem Mass.

A special word of thanks to Father Eugene Hasson P.P., Father Brian D’Arcy C.P. and Father Seán Mulligan C.C. for their spiritual support and prayers at the wake and to Father Damian Bresnahan S.M.A. for his spiritual support, prayers and very comforting Requiem Mass.  We convey our appreciation also to the Sacristan and everyone who took part in the Liturgy, especially our readers and our singer Louise Coyle who provided the beautiful reverent and uplifting music.

Thank you to McAtee Funeral Directors for the dignified and professional manner, in which the funeral arrangements were carried out and to the gravedigger for preparing Teresa’s final resting place.

And finally we send our sincere thanks and deep appreciation to the Paramedics of the Northern Ireland Ambulance service and to the staff of Altnagelvin Hospital, and the South West Acute Hospital for the kindness and care shown to Teresa during her final days. Our thanks also to the carers, district nursing team, Drumragh Family Practice, and Slevins Chemist for all their help.

As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgement as a token of our gratitude and deep appreciation.

Teresa is loved and missed every day. May her gentle, kind, generous soul be granted peace and eternal rest.  Her Month’s Mind Mass will be celebrated in Sacred Heart Church, Omagh on Friday 31st January at 7.30pm.  Our Lady pray for her.


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  1. Rest in peace Teresa from your cousins.
    Deery family.
    Eileen, Mary, Catherine, Margaret and Raymond.