Acknowledgement – Christina Hackett, Cornamuck, Dromore, Co Tyrone.
Died 12th February 2023.
The family of the late Christina Hackett would like to, sincerely thank all those who sympathised and supported us during the sad loss of our mother. Thanks to all our relatives, friends, work colleagues and neighbours who spent time with us in our grief. Thanks to those who brought gifts of food, those who provided refreshments and those who assisted with parking. Grateful thanks to all who offered their condolences, to those who sent mass cards, sympathy cards, phone and social media messages. We would like to acknowledge all those who paid their respects in any way. Our mum Christina, was a much loved mother, mother in law, grandmother, great grandmother, sister, aunt and friend.
We want to thank the Staff in Ward 6, the Palliative Care Team in SWAH and the Ambulance Service NI for the care they gave to mum in her final weeks. Thanks to the Trust carers over the years for their commitment to mum’s care, for the laughter and the many conversations mum enjoyed. Thanks to the Lakeland carers, and Community Nurses for their care of mum. Thanks to all the staff of Dromore Day Centre, mum so enjoyed her time there. Thanks to Ronan and the Staff at Bradley’s Pharmacy for their assistance in mum’s care.
Thanks to Fr Patrick MacEntee PP for his spiritual support and comforting Requiem Mass, to Fr Dolan for his prayers and to the grave diggers. We appreciate all those who participated in the mass especially Alice Hughes for her beautiful music and singing.
Thank you to McAtee Funeral Directors for the dignified and professional manner in which the funeral arrangements were carried out. Thank you to St Patrick’s Hall Ladies Committee for the welcome refreshments after the funeral.
It is impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgement as a gesture of our family’s deepest gratitude.
Mum is loved and missed every day. May her gentle, generous soul be granted eternal rest her Month Mind Mass will be celebrated in St Davog’s Church, Dromore on Saturday 1st April 2023 at 7.00 pm. Our Lady pray for her.
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