Day: 12 August 2022

Acknowledgement Annie McGee, Trillick, Co Tyrone. Died 19th July 2022.


Annie McGee,

Galbally Road, Trillick.

Died 19th July 2022.

The husband and extended family of Annie McGee would like to thank all those who sympathized, prayed for and offered support on their recent bereavement.  Thanks are extended to those who attended Annie’s wake and funeral, those who kept vigil during the wake, those who telephoned, who sent Mass or sympathy cards, sent flowers and those who brought kind gifts to the home. Sincere thanks to the relatives, friends … Read the rest

Acknowledgement Desmond Corr, Glengormley and formerly Fintona, Co Tyrone. Died 10th July 2022.


Desmond Corr.

Glengormley & Fintona.

Died 10th July 2022.

Desmond passed away on the 10th of July, a widely respected, much loved family man, father, father in law, grandfather, son, brother, brother in law, uncle and friend.  We, his family wish to express our sincere appreciation and heartfelt thanks to all those who sympathised, prayed for and supported us through our recent sad bereavement.  We have been overwhelmed by the sheer volume of mass and sympathy cards and private … Read the rest