Day: 18 April 2015

Taggart Bernie Fintona

Taggart Bbernie Taggart22ernie (Fintona) nee Hagan died peacefully at her late residence 148 Loughmuck rd Fintona on the 18 April 2015 surrounded by her loving family. Wife of PJ, Mother of Paddy, Brian, Paula, Mary, Louise, William and Niall. Sister of Anna, Mary, Seamus, Tony, Lena, Vincent, Ignatius, Rose and Frank. Bernie will be reposing in her late residence from 12.30am on Sunday 19 April. Her remains will leave her late residence at 10am on Tuesday 21 April for 11am … Read the rest

Taggart Bernie Fintona

Taggart Bbernie Taggart22ernie (Fintona) nee Hagan died peacefully at her late residence 148 Loughmuck rd Fintona on the 18 April 2015 surrounded by her loving family. Wife of PJ, Mother of Paddy, Brian, Paula, Mary, Louise, William and Niall. Sister of Anna, Mary, Seamus, Tony, Lena, Vincent, Ignatius, Rose and Frank. Bernie will be reposing in her late residence from 12.30am on Sunday 19 April. Her remains will leave her late residence at 10am on Tuesday 21 April for 11am … Read the rest